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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


0 B

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Walk Sunday 25th November 2018

Posted on: Fri 23rd November 12:22am
The walk this Sunday folks, is Toms walk. Listed as the Red Earls Way, on the calendar, unfortunately the way has been blocked by fallen trees, so unless you want this challenge, Tom has altered the walk to a loop walk, from Ballinafad via the beautiful Bricklieve mountains and round back to Ballinafad. There is some climbing, but not a huge amount. This can be described as a gentle B walk, and as Toms intention is to arrive back in Ballinafad with the same number he started out with (hopefully, the same people!) you can be sure that everyone will be catered for in terms of pace.
Meet Crescent, Boyle at 10am, or if it is more convenient, at the hall in Ballinafad at 10:30am. Weather promised dry so far. Toms number is 087 2379632 if you have any questions.

Picture Of Lough Key

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