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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walk Sunday 15th April 2018

Posted on: Fri 13th April 5:36pm
On the walk this Sunday, we will be going up the track from the car park known as Eagles Rock. From the top, over to the tip of Tievbaun. This is a B grade walk and there is a good bit of climbing, some flat walking and spectacular views.

There have been cars broken into at the car park, so to avoid this, I have ordered a bus to take us from Henry's bar and restaurant car park on the N15 at 11:15am. So this will be a cost of 5 euros, a lot cheaper than having car windows smashed I hope you agree.

Meet Crescent Boyle at 10am or Henrys car park at 11:10am. Hopefully we'll see you there. The weather forecast doesn't look too bad.

And the leader is.........yours truly. Contact 087 2027513

Picture Of Lough Key

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