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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Easter Hillwalking Festival.

Posted on: Tue 20th March 3:44pm
As the 1st of April is Easter Sunday, there will actually be no club walk but for those who wish to walk, there is an Easter hillwalking festival in the Leitrim glens, hosted by the Holey Soles Hill Walking club. On the Saturday, there is a medium and a long walk on the Glenade Escarpment. That evening, in the Glens Centre, Manorhamilton, there is a meal and the showing of a film about the route of the Nepal mules.
On Sunday, there are long and medium walks on the Arroo trail, and also a ramble of 8km on the trail for those who do not want anything too strenuous. Find details on the Holey Soles facebook page and also on www.lookwest.ie

A happy and peaceful Easter to everybody
Picture Of Lough Key

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