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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Christmas Party

Posted on: Thu 14th December 7:59pm
Hello Boyle Curlew Hill Walkers. It is party time again. Christmas comes around faster and faster every year and this year, the party is in Clancys pub of Knockvicar
This year it is buffet style, with catering from Jenny.
The calendar says the date is Friday 15th December, but in fact the date is now for Saturday 16th December. 7pm.
Cost is just 15 euro per head, so kick those muddy boots off and toff yourselves up for the night. You wont need gaiters.
After mulled wine reception and food, there will be music and spot prizes, and hey, you could be lucky and win another scented candle to add to your collection! Joke. There will be no scented candles.
We will need to let the caterers know the numbers attending, so could you please indicate as to whether you are coming by email to boylecurlewhillwalkers@gmail.com or text to Eileen Callaghan at 086 194 0651.

Picture Of Lough Key

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