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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walk Sunday November 3rd 2024

Posted on: Sat 2nd November 9:58pm
Well for the brave few who ventured out last Sunday, all I can say is fair..f...play to you. I wasn't one of them. Bit of a wuss me. So thanks Frances for braving it out despite the rain. There is no calendar walk this week, but I'm going out anyway. So if you want to join me, around Lough Easkey, board walk, etc (my usual one) Please do. 12km. Bit boggy round lake to start, then track and trail. Meet 11:15 at the North end of Lough Easkey. Boots advised for this one. Raingear? Well hopefully not, but this is Ireland. If you want to let me know you're coming 087 202 7513. Or if you just want to turn up, please do
Picture Of Lough Key

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