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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walk Sunday August 20th 2023

Posted on: Fri 18th August 3:25pm
Yet another walk this Sunday, thanks to Philip and what's more, a walk suitable for everyone. From Cromleach Lodge to Ballyfarnon. A 12km walk incorporating the miners' way. A reasonable looking day, we will take it in our stride. Finishing in Ballyfarnon , there is always the prospect of a pint in Shivnans. And indeed, we will meet behind that very same pub at 12 midday on Sunday. Bring a spot of lunch and your rain gear and all will be good. Thank you Philip for these walks. It brings everyone together.
Now, for those of you who suffer from Koumpounophobia, please let us know and we can request that people only wear clothing with zips. And for those of you who haven't got a clue what koumpounophobia means, it is the fear of buttons. Could be more common than you think.....
Picture Of Lough Key

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