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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walk Sunday 13th August 2023

Posted on: Sun 13th August 12:16am
Well, Philip has come up with a great suggestion. He will lead a walk from Battlebridge. This is where the Battle of Connaught was fought, believe it or not... Invading Normans were driven away in 1270 at the Battle of Ath an Chip, (the fort of the tree stump!) even though they had landed in Ireland 100 years before. Aedh O'Connor would not go along with the rest of his family who aligned with the Normans out of self interest. He fought the Normans along with galloglaich mercenaries from Scotland. So they drove away 5,000 Normans and their allies. The Normans didn't conquer Connaught for another generation. Bet you didn't know that now.
Anyway, if you turn up there on Sunday at 12 midday at Beirnes pub, you can meet Philip for a walk along the canal, coffee stop at Jinnys and a return to Beirne's for a pint. I don't think you'll need boots, unless you want to do battle with an odd Norman.. You never know who you might meet
Queries?? Phone Philip 086 335 3000

Picture Of Lough Key

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