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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walk Sunday Ferruary 12th 2023

Posted on: Sat 11th February 11:36am
This coming Sunday, we will hit North Leitrim. About 15km on minor road, forest track and up to Dough mountain which is not too high (459m) but we don't start at sea level.. This walk is suitable for all with a reasonable level of fitness and we will be walking as fast as the slowest person if that makes sense. (C+)
I will be facilitating this walk and I will be at the castle car park in Manorhamilton at 11am.
The calendar says to meet at Crescent, Boyle at 10am but I won't be there because it is too far out of my way. Could you let me know if you will meet there, please, so that anyone who has no transport might get a lift? THanks. Pam 087 2027513
Picture Of Lough Key

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