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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walks Sunday 20th June 2021

Posted on: Fri 18th June 3:06am
Not one, but TWO walks this Sunday folks.......
Walk number one.Slieve League (Sliabh Liag for the native speakers) in Donegal with Naomi (087 674 3693) So Naomi will be the contact if you wish to do this walk. It is a tough climb to the highest sea cliffs in Donegal with lovely views to make it all worthwhile. An early start for this one. Meet Naomi at 9:30 in the car park at the Yeats Tavern, Drumcliffe. It would be a good idea to phone Naomi if you intend to go, so she knows who to expect. HOWEVER it is really weather dependent. A helluva long way to go if the weather is not too good (ie crap) And at the moment, this looks like it could be the case. If so Naomi will go another day when it is dry and clear.

Walk number two..with yours truly around Lough Easkey and more. Roughish terrain around the lake, then track and a short stretch of road at the end. For this walk, meet 11:30 at the North end of L Easkey, parking area. This walk will go ahead anyway. Contact me, if you have questions...087 202 7513
Picture Of Lough Key

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