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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walk Sunday June 6th 2021

Posted on: Sat 5th June 1:55am
Sunday's Saint is Norbert of Xanten. Founder of the Premontratensians.!!! Whatever. We'll leave that to his followers to celebrate and we will follow Brian and Alison on the Crummy loop walk in Leitrim along minor roads, forestry tracks and country lanes. The walk is 11km and starts at Jackie Lee's shop and PO at Aghacashel. Follow the minor road along the South of Slieve Anierin. Post code N41P9K1.
We'll be meeting here at 11:30. Alison has told the shop keeper we are invading and there is parking by the PO and a small layby between the PO and the old school. Please bear in mind that the shop is open on Sunday mornings and people will be pulling in for the News of the World and stuff and we don't want to block them from the front.
Any queries?? Contact Alison 087 1209 567 or Brian 087 638 4896.
See you then.
Picture Of Lough Key

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