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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Return to walking Hooray.

Posted on: Fri 14th May 7:17pm
And Hooray! It's kick off time. And who better to kick off with, than our beloved Philip, who has been busy renovating a house, just for us to start from this Sunday 16th May...which also happens to be the feast day of St Honore or Honoratus.
This walk is a gentle re-introduction to get us going and is from Blackfallow, about 8km and not too strenuous. We will meet at Blackfallow at 11am and toddle off from there
Where is Blackfallow? Well it is near Knockvicar. The first left after the PO at Knockvicar (or the right turn before the PO, if you are coming from the other direction.) 2km up this road, past the Moorings is a turn to the right, signposted....Blackfallow.. It says Private road and there is a gate but travel up this boreen until the top and Philips palace awaits. Post code F52 FW10.
Philip can be contacted on 086 335 3000.
Back to St. Honoratus. He just happens to be the patron saint of bakers and pastry chefs! Maybe we should celebrate that....
Hope to see you all on Sunday with your new haircuts/shampoo and set and all that.
Unfortunately we are saying goodbye to Alison Harney from Longford, who has moved back to Kildare and of course we will miss her and wish her the best of luck.
Picture Of Lough Key

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