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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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News update and walk Sunday 6th December 2020

Posted on: Sat 5th December 3:25am
Hooray. We've been released to walk for the next few weeks. I say next few weeks because hopefully we will get a walk in every Sunday. Although within the County kind of basis. Maybe the Leitrim gang wish to meet up and go out somewhere? I'll leave that with ye. It may be possible to all meet up after the 18th and/or a post christmas day walk on the 28th of December. Ironically, this particular day is St Anthony the Hermits day. But I think we have been hermits for too long to celebrate that! He ate only bread, salt and water. No christmas cake for him. We'll ignore that too.
Now the weather has gotten colder and colder it may be on Sunday, but it is supposed to be dry. So wrap up well, and join Tom for a walk. It will be in the area of Glen church near Arigna. This could change depending on conditions, but whatever the walk, Tom will mind you well. And if you have been out with Tom before, you will know that he carries in his tool kit, secateurs to cut any brambles or branches that may be in your way. The walk will be suitable for all and will be about 3 hours.
However, it may be that you have not yet bought your Christmas pyjamas in Penneys yet. But judging by the survey of shoppers on the radio, I think you may be too late anyway.
Everybody has heard Covid precautions buckets of times each day on the radio, so no need to repeat them again and we will comply with the guidelines

Meet Crescent Boyle at 11am. Contact is Tom 087 2379632
Picture Of Lough Key

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