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Sun 23rd March 10:00am

Glencar Edge

Type: Climb

Meeting at: To be decided

Pam Barnes
087 2027513


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Walk Sunday July 5th 2020.

Posted on: Fri 3rd July 4:08pm
So this Sunday, Naomi is going to lead a walk along the Sligo Way, from Union Wood to Lough Luman and back. Lovely views on the way there and then lovely views on the way back, this walk will be about 12km, minimum climbing, more of a ramble. We will be out for about 3 hours. The weather forecast for today in Sligo, was heavy rain and there was none. Forecast for Sunday is some rain but this walk is lovely, rain, hail or shine and if there is a spot of rain, we are not made of sugar, so we won't melt. As Naomi is leading, she has to be there so you are guaranteed a tasty snack at lunchtime...no pressure Naomi.

Meeting at 11am (ELEVEN Noreen!) at the Union Wood car park. at NE end of Union wood, on R284, opposite what used to be Union food. It is signposted, but if you are unsure, please ring Naomi 087 674 3693
Picture Of Lough Key

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